It is about more than funding. It is about a new way of working.
Why you should trust Grantway to find the right funding opportuinites for you

More opportunities in less time
To give you your time back, Grantway is where all funding opportunities are conveniently located in one central place.

Current and accurate data
To reduce the stress of finding good and relevant funding, Grantway use technology to make sure that you have correct and up-to-date information on every funding opportunity.

Opportunities that match your needs
Old fashioned keyword searches can sometimes work against you. Describe
what you’re after in the search field and Grantway will find the most relevant
funding opportunities.

Access to what you didn’t know existed
In a global world Grantway gives you access to all funding opportunity that are available to you by covering local, regional, national, and international.

Funding that match who you are and what you do
Who can apply?
Grantway has grants for different types of organisations and private individuals. R&D institues, higher education, businesses, charities, NGOs, the public sector and others can find grant opportunities in Gratway.
Types of grants available
Grants are connected to one or more Grantway categories.
Categories include climate, R&D, innovation, health, justice, community development, energy, transport, education ... and many more.

Scholarships & Fellowships
Funding to further your academic career
Funding for every degree level
Grantway has scholarships and fellowships for all degree levels - from high school diplomas to postdocs.
All fields of study covered
In Grantway, scholarships and fellowships are connected the every fields of study that they cover. This makes it easier to narrow down your search without missing out on relevant opportunities.
Grantway offers an easier way to find funding
Features to help you succeed

Save your searches
Every search you make can be saved – so you don’t have to remember what you did or spend time documenting the details.

Save interesting opportunities
All individual funding opportunities can be saved – so that you have easy access to the opportunities that are of most interest to you.

Share with others
You can share search results and individual funding opportunities with others – making it easier to work as a team and discuss good opportunities.
Making a difference without making you pay
It doesn't make sense to have to pay to get access to funding opportunities.
Funding opportunities should be freely and openly available, regardless of who you are, where you live and what you can afford.
Grantway is free of charge for everyone
– no limitations, subscription fees or hidden costs.