@WORK by Induct
is a digital space for organisational
work and collaboration -
@WORK has the tool organisations need to manage, organise and collaborate on work –
internally and in partnership with others.
Governance @WORK
help organisations identify and implement necessary decisions in pursuit of their objectives.
Create the governance rooms you need to help you manage or grow your organisation, i.e. a Board room, management team room, accounts and reporting room, and investor room.
Projects @WORK
makes it easier to work and collaborate on projects, with anyone, at any time, from anywhere.
Categorise projects to make it easier to manage the portfolio, benefit from dedicated project workspaces with team chats, tasks, document management and access control.
Groups @WORK
is a dedicated space for group discussions and development of subject areas.
Create good discussions in the group chat, use tasks if you need it, store and share relevant documents with the group and control membership through access control.
Contracts @WORK
give organisations the overview and control they need to manage the contract portfolio.
Categorise contracts to make it easier to manage the portfolio, benefit from dedicated contract workspaces with team chats, tasks, document management and access control.

The organisation level
Invite employees and others to join your organisation and communicate with members through the news feed
Create and have easy access to the governance rooms you need to manage the organisation
Create work communities to manage portfolios like projects and contracts – with dedicated work and collaboration spaces for every project and contract registered

Governance rooms
Give your governance rooms the names and descriptions that make sense for your organisation
Every governance room gets a dedicated workspace, with access control
Every workspace includes a dialogue area, a file manager, web documents and tasks.
The community level
Create communities to manage and work on different portfolios … you can create as many communities as you need
Everything that is registered in the portfolio, every project, contract and group, gets a dedicated work and collaboration space
Create a welcome page with useful information for members of the community - you can add images and videos if you want to
Create a useful news feed by allowing members to post, like and comment
Register relevant content to work and collaborate in dedicated workspaces
Create links to other pages or systems to make work life as easy as possible for members

The workspace level
Use the description field to share important details about the project
Skip emails and communicate directly in the Dialogue area
Store all relevant project documentation in the project workspace – you get unlimited storage space in all workspaces
Invite and manage team members – external members just as easily as internal members
Create tasks for all the activities that need to be done, set due dates and allocate to team members
Use categories to help define the project in the portfolio
Ensure that the right people have access to the right things, at the right level
If your community is part of a network, use the share function to make your project visible and available to members of the network